What Is a Subtweet on X (formerly Twitter)?

Understanding X lingo

Subtweet is short for subliminal tweet. In other words, it's an X (formerly Twitter) post about somebody that doesn't actually mention their @username or their real name.

Why Do People Subtweet?

Subtweeting is often used to make a comment about someone while keeping their identity vague so that no one will (probably) figure out who you're talking about.

You may have seen these types of posts on Facebook and other social networks. Examples include cryptic status updates or captions where the poster is clearly directing their message at someone without naming the person.

Subtweets are commonly used to say something negative about a person. Still, subtweets can also show admiration for somebody when you're too shy to let them know.

Subtweeting gives people a way to express themselves more genuinely, without being too open about it.

Blue bird, representing Twitter, with a wry look

PrismaIllustration / Getty Images

Tweet vs. Subtweet Example

If you want somebody to see your critical tweet, you might say:

I didn't think @username's cupcakes were very delicious.

The user would get a notification that they were mentioned in your tweet, and the whole world would see it.

If you wanted to turn that into a subtweet so that the person you're referring to doesn't get a notification, you could say:

There's a guy that I follow on X who just gave me a cupcake, and I didn't think it tasted very good.

That way, you can express your feelings without starting a conflict. If your friends and followers can figure out who gave you the cupcake, it could draw them into the drama and make things worse than if you had just been more direct in the first place.

Be careful what you post on X. Just because you don't mention a person's name doesn't mean they won't eventually see what you tweet.

  • How do I edit a tweet after publishing it?

    There's currently no way to edit a tweet. Instead, go to your profile, copy the tweet, then delete it. Next, paste the copied text into a new tweet, make the desired revisions, and publish it.

  • How do I delete a tweet?

    To delete a tweet, go to your profile and find the tweet. Select the arrow > Delete, > Delete.

  • How do I quote a tweet?

    To quote a tweet, go to the tweet and select Retweet > Quote Tweet, type a comment > Retweet.

  • How do I deactivate my X account?

    To deactivate an X account, go to More > Settings and Privacy > Your Account > Deactivate your account. You can reactivate X within 30 days. After that, your account is deleted.

  • How do I make my X private?

    To hide your tweets from the general public, go to More > Settings and Privacy > Your Account > Account Information > Protected Tweets > Protect My Tweets. To prevent a specific person from viewing your tweets, block users on X.

  • What is a Tweetstorm?

    A Tweetstorm is series of tweets from one person about a singular topic. Tweetstorms are often characterized as long and controversial X threads.

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