How to Find Real Celebrities on X (formerly Twitter)

Weed out impersonators by checking for the verification badge

What to Know

  • Search for celebrity > select match with a verified badge > select People tab > select celebrity account.
  • Alternately: Check Wikipedia's top 50 X (formerly Twitter) accounts, find other curated lists, or check a celebrity's Following list.

This article explains how to find verified celebrity accounts on X (formerly Twitter), whether they have a blue checkmark or not. X offers verification to celebrities and businesses that are more likely to be impersonated, so not everyone can get verified.

Find Verified Celebrity Accounts

To find your favorite celebrity on X without the risk of following an impersonator, follow these easy steps.

  1. In the search box in the upper-right corner of the X home screen, enter the name of your favorite celebrity. A list of possible matches appears.

    Twitter home screen with search initiated
  2. If you see one with the verified badge, select it. Otherwise, press Enter on the keyboard.

    Typically, verified accounts show up first on the list, so it isn't difficult to find them.

  3. A search screen appears. Use it to apply filters or select People at the top of the screen to narrow down the options. When you find the account you're looking for, select it.

    Twitter search screen

More Ways to Find Verified Celebrity X Accounts

The second easiest way to find the official account of your favorite celebrity is to look on their website for the branded follow button, which usually includes a white bird on a blue background or a lowercase "t."

Lists of official celebrity X accounts are easy to find on the web. Here are a few resources:

Another way to find celebrities is word of mouth. Look at the other celebrities your favorite star follows. Typically, they only follow real accounts, and they don't follow many people.

Celebrities can be easily found, discovered, and followed on X with the right combination of search skills and web searches.

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